
World War II

This category contains 2 posts

Sheena, Queen of the Jungle, the First Female Comic Book Hero (Don’t Call Her a Heroine)

She was a woman of strength and courage, and the first heroic woman to have a comic book in her own name. Sheena, “Queen of the Jungle,” debuted in the British magazine Wags #1 in 1937, the creation of comic book pioneers Will Eisner and S. M. “Jerry” Iger. As the story goes, Sheena originally … Continue reading

Operation Whitecoat

The Cold War during the 1950s and 60s elicited a range of American responses, from carefully planned, advanced technology defenses to primal paranoia. Washington was regarded as target zero for a communist incursion. Residents of Montgomery County waited in trepidation for the wail of the air raid siren; children practiced ducking under their desks; and … Continue reading