
Rockville MD

This tag is associated with 2 posts

Lincoln in Rockville

(Originally appeared in Bethesda Magazine) In August 1861, with the first battle of the Civil War at Manassas, Virginia, resulting in Union forces fleeing in retreat, President Abraham Lincoln embarked from the White House on a carriage ride. With him was Secretary of State William Seward, his son, Frederick, assistant Secretary of State, and General … Continue reading

The Boston Tea Party and the Hungerford Resolves

On December 16, 1773, nearly 60 hatchet-wielding men stormed three ships anchored in Boston Harbor. Frenzied, they hacked open hundreds of chests of tea and dumped the contents overboard. Their rage was fueled by incessant taxes levied by a British Parliament that refused the Americans any participation in proceedings that directly affected their lives. The … Continue reading